How I Get Up Early In The Morning – 10 Tips and Tricks

The early bird gets the worm, it's the best way to grow financially. Without further ado here is How I Get Up Early In The Morning.

Though waking up early is excellent for health and life in general, many of us tend to face difficulty adjusting to the habit. There are always a lot of distractions, plus it is not easy to follow a new routine. If you are also one of those struggling to wake up early in the morning, you are at the right place. This post brings you the top ten proven tricks for waking up early in the morning.

How to wake yourself up early? We have asked the experts for advice to help you shift backward your wake-up times in the morning in a healthier way, and the tricks they have told us are definitely worth the try!

So, let’s begin:


1. Know Your Motivation

If you are a night owl, waking up early could be a real problem, so you must be committed to the idea. Though the first few days could be really hard, it can become a routine once you have got the hang of it. But that ‘getting the hang of it’ part is easier said than done. The best way to remain committed to the goal of waking up early in the morning is to find your motivation.

The first thing to do in this situation is to ask yourself the ‘why.’ There could be several reasons you want to be an early bird – a job you have to check in on time, a class you have to attend, an exercise routine you want to establish, or maybe you only want to kick start your days by waking up earlier.

If you do not know your motivation, wake me up at 7 alarm is not going to work. So, no matter what the reason is, knowing it can always motivate you and keep you stuck to the goal of getting up early in the morning.


2. Start It Slow & Gradually

We want everything instantly, but you need to understand that it will take some time to achieve the habit of getting up early every morning. If you really want to achieve that, you must start slow. Do not push yourself so hard by shifting your wake-up time backward in hours. Instead, you can start by waking up 10 to 15 minutes earlier than your usual time, stick to that for a week, and then further reduce the time.

3. Don’t Enforce an Early Bedtime

It is natural to think that you have to sleep earlier to wake up early. And so, most people are likely to force upon themselves an early bedtime. Well, that’s the worst you can do.


Your ideal bedtime is when you feel sleepy. Laying down and forcing yourself to sleep when you don’t feel like it can only further induce insomnia. The best way to give yourself a relaxing bedtime routine is to only go to bed when you truly feel tired and sleepy.


4. Put in Efforts to Attain Consistency

Many of us wake up at different times during the week, for example, earlier on weekdays while very late on the weekends. The truth is that these shifts in your wake-up time can worsen your schedule, cause ‘social jet lag,’ and are also bad for your health. Say you slept till 11 am on the weekend, and now you have to wake up at 6 am because it’s Monday – the five-hour difference makes your situation a lot challenging.

Thus, the best you can do is to keep yourself consistent with the goal of waking up early to minimize the difference to only half an hour between weekdays and the weekends.

5. Expose Yourself to Light in the Morning

Our bodies have been naturally designed to feel the difference in mornings and nights based on light. Thus, the best way to make your mornings perfect and seamlessly adapt to waking up early is by exposing yourself to light first thing in the morning time.

Ideally, you should expose yourself to natural light for at least 30 minutes in the first hour of waking up. It can help you be consistent at waking up in the morning early and feel fresh simultaneously.



6. Exercise Timely to Freshen Up

The more your body functions throughout the day, the more quickly you fall asleep. And the better you sleep, the easier it will be to wake up early. Thus, exercising is the best trick to make your sleeping and waking up schedule ideal.

However, you must exercise at the right time. Exercise activates the human body, so the ideal time to exercise could be after you wake up (morning time). And the worst time to exercise could be before going to bed.


7. Prepare a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Good sleep is vital to maintaining an early wake-up time. However, engaging yourself in brain-stimulating activities such as reading, working, or scrolling social media can lead to difficulties in sleeping – causing a delay in your wake-up time.

Arranging a relaxing bedtime routine such as engaging in gentle yoga, talking to a loved one, or listening to meditational music can help sort your sleeping and waking-up patterns.


8. Take Melatonin (Low-Dose)

Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the human body; it is known to rise a few hours before bedtime. Thus, if you are struggling to sleep, which further impacts your waking-up routine – you can always take help from a low-dosage, over-the-counter melatonin. It is best to take melatonin (no more than 3 grams) at least one or one and a half hour before bedtime.

9.  Prevent Light Exposure at Night

Lights emitted from different electronic devices can mess with the human body’s circadian rhythm and melatonin production, impacting your sleep. And a problematic sleep overnight can result in late mornings. Thus, the best way to keep your sleeping and waking-up schedules perfect is to prevent all kinds of light exposure at bedtime.


10. Don’t Eat Just Before Bed

Eating just before bedtime can trigger acid reflux in your body, possibly disrupting your sleep. And we all know that disturbed sleep causes delayed mornings without a doubt. Thus, you must avoid eating right before bedtime and try to schedule your dinner at least two to three hours before you plan to sleep.

How I get up early in the morning? Well, now you know all the great tricks of waking up early in the morning. So follow the ones that seem great to you and enjoy a healthy yet sustainable early waking up schedule!

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